SOCS 325 Discussion Environmental and Social Consequences Essay

SOCS 325 Discussion Environmental and Social Consequences

SOCS 325 Discussion Environmental and Social Consequences


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Students are required to include one Video Media Upload
(Record/Upload Media) for each graded topic, each week.

For Video-Media Upload instructions, refer to Resources in
Introduction and Resources

Examine, debate, and explain both the social and
environmental consequences of an environmental disaster; such as the Exxon
Valdez oil spill, Bhopal chemical release, Love Canal toxic waste, or any past
or recent environmental disaster (i.e., Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill).


Students are required to include one Video Media Upload
(Record/Upload Media) for each graded topic, each week.

For Video-Media Upload instructions, refer to Resources in
Introduction and Resources

Discuss and debate how Western societies address risk with
regards to the regulation of toxins in the marketplace and environment. Does
this differ from Eastern societies? Why?

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SOCS 325 Discussion Environmental and Social Consequences


The CCRA identified thirteen major environmental risks resulting from the impact of climate change on biodiversity. The report outlines the current risk status, the potential impact of climate change on each risk factor, the implications for the ecosystem services sector, and the implications for adaptation. Here we outline the salient elements of each risk.

It should be noted that the CCRA considers the risks of a changing climate in the UK only, not the risks to which the UK may be exposed from global climate-related events. There is likely to be an impact on the UK economy from climate-related disruption elsewhere in the world, for example, through international trade, supply chains, and migration. As yet, there is little research on the likelihood and potential impact of such events.

Changes in soil moisture levels
Most habitats and species in the UK are adapted to a rather wet environment. Climate change forecasts expect moisture levels to decrease, so habitats that are sensitive to moisture levels will suffer if the climate becomes much drier. Reduction in function of loss of habitats could impact food production, water supply and quality, and use of land for tourism and leisure. Reduced soil moisture is also linked to increased risk of wildfires, and the vulnerability of species to pests and disease. Potential adaptations to this risk are highly species and site specific, such as developing new woodland areas and managing bog land, with no universal solution.

Increased risk from pests, disease and invasive non-native species
These issues are interlinked and the risk is expected to increase due to climate change because many species are climate sensitive, and also because generally warmer winters provide a more conducive environment for nonnative species and pathogens. Most of the research to date has focussed on human health effects, but the risk also applies to broader biodiversity. There is already legislation to prevent the introduction of non-native species (either deliberate or accidental), which may displace existing species and lead to the introduction of new pests and diseases as well as disrupt agriculture. However, many have already been introduced in the UK and it is possible that a changing climate may favour non-native species to the detriment of native ones.

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SOCS 325 Discussion Environmental and Social Consequences Essay

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