SOCS 325 Discussion Stress On The Environment Society and Resources Essay

SOCS 325 Discussion Stress On The Environment Society and Resources

SOCS 325 Discussion Stress On The Environment Society and Resources


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Students are required to include one Video Media Upload
(Record/Upload Media) for each graded topic, each week.

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Introduction and Resources

Define “externalities” as they relate to the price
of goods and services, and examine how they can distort market forces of supply
and demand, detailing both positive and negative effects.


Students are required to include one Video Media Upload
(Record/Upload Media) for each graded topic, each week.

For Video-Media Upload instructions, refer to Resources in
Introduction and Resources

Describe and explain the relationship between the advances
in technology and such goals as reduced human workloads, environmental and
resource stresses, free time, and contentment.

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SOCS 325 Discussion Stress On The Environment Society and Resources


Do large populations affect and put stress on the environment, society and resources? Populations do affect and put stress on the environment. However, some claim that overpopulation is the major cause of environmental degradation. Is that so?

While populations no doubt are large in many countries, and demands on resources are obviously large, it is only one of many other causes and some of those other issues such as over-consumption based, unsustainable development may have an even larger impact. Our choice of how to use those resources (i.e. our economic policies) and for what purposes (i.e. our political directions and policies) are critical issues as well on the resulting impact on the environment to meet those uses and purposes.

On this page:
Some consumption numbersNotes on the above consumption numbers
Misuse of land and resources
Unsustainable Development
Ecological Footprints
The Science of ecological limits
Existing consumption patterns as seen in Europe and North America can put strain on the environment and natural resources, which can have serious impacts on society. But, how much of the environmental degradation we see today is as a result of over-population and how much is due to over-exploitation due to consumerism and geopolitical interests?

Though most societies were efficient for the time in which they were formed, powerful nations disintegrated when too large a share of their labor was diverted to unnecessary tasks. Some societies, such as the European aristocratic structures, needlessly expended labor, resources, and capital to support militaristic elite bent on plundering neighbors and their own workers. Each of these societies became locked into a wasteful system of production and distribution. The United States is also locked into a wasteful expenditure of labor, resources, and industry.

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SOCS 325 Discussion Stress On The Environment Society and Resources Essay

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