Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities And Threats ESSAY

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities And Threats


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Write a term paper of approximately 2500 words on the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) for a technology company. The paper should clearly explain each aspect of the topic as it relates to the company and the industry with relevant examples. The paper should conclude with an example of a current IT job opening in the firm that a Towson University student graduating with a degree from the COSC department could apply to soon. What would be required for that student? Certifications? What’s is the pay like? Lastly, explain how a workday in the life of a professional in that field would look like.
The quality of the term paper will be part of the grade for the author. The paper should be well sighted using scholarly references from Books, Conference Papers, and Journals ONLY! This work is graded. Late work is not accepted. Documents will be spaced at 1.5 lines, use Times New Roman Font, 12-point pitch, have 1.25” left and right margins, and 1” top and bottom margins. Although content is important and will be given due weight when graded, writing is equally important. Be sure to create an outline (down to the level of each paragraph) and carefully proofread for unclear prose, poor sentence-flow, poor grammar, and misspellings.
The structure of the paper is as follows:
Introduction: Explain the topic and any terms or acronyms. Explain the background of the firm and its key product(s). Describe why this is important in the computer industry and why attention should be drawn to this topic or issue.
SWOT Analysis: Using substantiated arguments, describe each firm’s key Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Be sure to provide enough examples to support your analysis. Your arguments should be supported by prior researchers in journals, conferences, and books. Only websites such as government sites or legal posting by various courts are acceptable. All other websites, such as news, homepages, or university sites that contain material NOT verified are inadmissible.
Conclusions: At the end of the paper, summarize your work. Provide a closing argument indicating where you see the topic or point of view is headed in the computer industry. Your views cannot be wrong and do not need to be substantiated in the conclusion. In addition, you must include a detailed write-up of a potential job opening for a TU student as mentioned above.
References: You should use the APA 5th style of referencing. Details of this style can be found on the web. Additional help can be sought from the reference librarian or the English writing support center. Your paper should include a minimum of 6 references. These references should be applied through the text to back up any claims that you make.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities And Threats ESSAY

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