Systems Development Life Cycle Response Essay

Systems Development Life Cycle Response


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RESPOND TO THESE DISCUSSION POST BASED ON THE TOPIC “In this module, we discussed the SLDC in detail and showed the benefits of using this approach. However, some organizations might be hesitant to use this approach and might prefer a phased implementation. If you were the project manager and you were asked about a phased implementation, how would you respond? Do you think that this type of implementation would be appropriate?”

In response to your peers, discuss how a phased implementation might allow the organization to focus on a critical area, stabilize the system, and make adjustments in a phased environment.”

1.Engbt K

As a project manager asked about a phased implementation, I will begin by stating the fact that It has a lot of advantages and is probably the most easy and effective implementation to my understanding. Phased implementation is a type of conversion in which individual components of new system are implementation one by one. More to this, Phased implementation is a method of changing from an existing system to a new one that takes place in stages. This approach focuses on discrete business segments, so chances of any serious problem are limited. In this approach reverting to older system is easier. Temporary interfaces between systems are required in this phase as it lowers the number of interfaces and lessens the risk of failure. (Shah, 2015.).

Phased implementation gives the opportunity for Multiple Business Segments. It could be complex to deal with multiple sites or business units, which the business may have. In phased approach it is easier to manage multi-site or multi-segment implementations. (Shah, 2015.). It is advisable for an organization having multiple huge websites across a location to opt for phased approach to implement ERP solutions.

Phased approach requires interim interfaces to offer a temporary working solution. A temporary interface is an association between two systems required temporarily until the complete ERP is implemented. Temporarily built interfaces are expensive to implement, and, by their nature, they do not hold any term value. They are just temporary kiosks for implementing the entire process. (Shah, 2015.).

As time Slot is very important, very project is driven by some deadline and time constraints. On an average, phased approach takes longer time compared to big bang approach in terms of elapsed time. Under these circumstances when it is measured in years and not months, project fatigue can be the issue, and it can also negatively impact the overall performance of the staff and enterprise on keeping it in a prolonged state of change or transition. Employee burnout and loss of concentration may become the risks associated. (Shah, 2015.).

With a phased approach this means less strain on the project team as there’s not much to do in this. They would have more time to focus on other activities, to work on other projects or doing the regular routine tasks. A phased implementation can result in early yields, which develop confidence and help in selling the benefits to the rest of the enterprise. In addition, less experience in early stages can result in negativity in the ERP process, and in some cases the implantation plan can be undermined. (Shah, 2015.).

This approach means that a number of concrete project phases are defined, and the functionality of each phase is carefully specified in order to avoid temporary solutions and dead ends. Each new phase in a project is specified only when the work with the preceding phase draws to an end, and each new phase can, consequently, profit by increased system know-how from the preceding phases.

As a result, specifications become constantly clearer, the system itself constantly better, project fulfilment and customer satisfaction constantly higher and last but far from least the mutual understanding and confidence between buyer and seller constantly greater. Each implementation phase constitutes a clearly defined, completed milestone, put into operational use and thereby possible to build on in the next phase (Copybook, n.d.).

This phased implementation model has lots of advantages as it is easier to control and follow up a project divided into well-defined phases. Buyer and User get tangible results usually high-priority ones early in the project. It is easier to get controller acceptance. Acceptance testing becomes less dramatic for both parties. The transition to the new system is easier to perform. There are a number of clearly defined milestones to which payment schedules and other contractual issues can be connected. The project risk decreases. But to state a fact, it is expensive as compared to others. (Copybook, n.d.).

2. Erca Wst

There are benefits to doing phased implementation of a system integration. The benefits can vary based of off which model is used such as the waterfall, Iterative, Spiral, V-shaped, or Agile, or even something more custom. Here is a list of advantages doing the implementation in phases:

1) Offers simplicity to stakeholders on stages or steps that need to be completed before can task can start.

2) Development of the process goes one by one.

3) Easier to determine the key points of the SDLC.

3) It is easier to classify and prioritize tasks to employees to complete.

4) Helps to measure the progress of the project.

5) It can be easier to manage risk as high-risk tasks are completed.

6) Easier to document process is stages or phases as it is implemented.

I absolutely feel that completing an implementation as well as any project in life should be completed in phases, stages, steps, etc.. I feel that this will help make sure project are completed in a timely manner and on budget. It also help pin point any issues that may occur.

3. Thman Nrthp

There are many different strategies to implement an ERP system therefore an approach must be agreed upon to move forward. Different strategies make sense to accommodate organizational size, scope, and industry specific processes (Nagpal, Khatri, Sunil, & Kumar (2015). A phased approach does minimize risks and can provide a functional method for businesses that have compartmentalized business units with a long-term strategy of migrating the processes into the enterprise system. It would be important to understand the reasoning why a phased approach is requested. Operational risks may be elevated in selecting a method such as the “big bang” method. After understanding the reasoning, the options would require and outlined cost vs. risk discussion. In an organization attempting to achieve synergy by implementing an ERP system, a phased approach can extend over a period-of-time and lose momentum for completion (CTND, 2017). Mitigating risks by opting for a phased approach will most likely increase project costs since licensing, maintenance, and support would be required on parallel systems. In addition, ROI is delayed which in an organization seeking to streamline processes to remain competitive, a more rapid-ERP implementation may be in order. During an ERP implementation, it is critical to evaluate differing perspectives to ensure the success of the project. Digesting these perspectives can make a phased-approach an optimum choice when risks to operations exceed the benefits of a methodology that carries greater risks.


use single spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA citation method (citation should be relevant and current). Page-length requirements:2 PAPARAGRAPHS FOR EACH PROMPT ANSWER. Make sure you cite if you take a piece of someone’s work, very important and your reference should relate to your writing (don’t cite a reference because it relates to the course and not this very paper) at least 2 current and relevant academic references. No heavy paraphrasing of others work.

Systems Development Life Cycle Response Essay

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