The basis for human sexuality assessment Essay

The basis for human sexuality assessment


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What’s the basis for human sexuality?

What’s the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity?

How is sexuality linked to other forms of inequality and how are attitudes about human sexuality changing? Why? How?

(550 words min and I will give you the two replyes later and plz send me back with at least 5 more sentenses each)

respond no1.

Human sexual behavior is based on physiology and psychology. Physiological basis, that is, the regulation and control of sex hormones in receptors, is also affected by many other factors such as physical conditions and drugs. On the other hand, human sexual behavior is influenced and controlled by psychological, social and cultural factors. In a certain social and historical context, human sexual behavior usually conforms to the social concept of sex at that time. Throughout history, society’s attitude towards sex is like a continuum. One end of the spectrum is based on the attitude of sexual imprisonment and strict control of sexual behavior, while the other end is based on the attitude of sexual indulgence, sexual liberation and advocating complete sexual freedom. These two extreme attitudes are harmful to people’s physical and mental health and the healthy development of society. Sexual psychology is to study the influence of the development of human sexual behavior and sexual civilization on modern human sexual behavior from the psychological point of view, theory and method, and to study human sexual physiological development, sexual psychological development, gender role socialization process, marriage, family and sexual health, etc. Sexual psychology refers to the psychological state and process related to sexual characteristics, sexual desire and sexual behavior on the basis of sexual physiology. It also includes the psychological state of communication with the opposite sex, marriage and love. Sexual physiology is the biological basis of the development of sexual psychology. The obstacles or defects in the development of sexual physiology will make the development of sexual psychology deviate. Sexual mental health is an important part of human health that can not be ignored, and it is getting more and more attention.

The difference between sexual orientation and gender identity is that sexual orientation is a kind of sexual preference that has nothing to do with gender. It refers to the tendency of physical and psychological impulses caused by what kind of people you are attracted to, who you like to have intimate sex with and which type of people. For example, they prefer men, women, fat, thin, tall or short and so on. Under this big concept, including what we usually call homosexuality, heterosexuality, bisexuality and so on. It is generally believed that sexual orientation is not a subjective and deliberate choice. The reasons may include many factors, including heredity, psychology and environment. Gender identity is the subjective feeling of self psychology: “I am a man, or a woman, neither male nor female, or dynamic change”. A disposition that is recognized in one’s heart and verified by one’s personal experience. The identified gender may be different from the physiological gender, including the individual’s cognition of his body and other gender related expressions, such as dress, accent and other manners.

Sex is associated with other forms of inequality through different manifestations. In the law of nature, the male animal is the one who takes the initiative in sex, while the female animal is the one who accepts passively. The male provides sperm and the female receives sperm. This active passive relationship is determined by evolution. In the past, our attitudes towards sex were simple and even interesting. In primitive society, sex had a high degree of freedom, and had no sense of shame, but was related to the meaning of celebration, reproduction and growth. Many ancient ethnic groups still keep the tradition of letting unmarried young men and women know each other and send their Keepsake during the celebration, which can be seen as the ritual version of collective wild. When people have more delicate psychological feelings, the act of casually expressing their sexuality to others will really make people who do not want to feel threatened. At that time, sexual expression began to become less straightforward and barbaric. With the further development of civilization, almost all countries in the world began to strengthen social order and national rule through ethics. In this process, human nature and freedom began to be further suppressed or even suppressed. People began to suppress their sexual expressions and thoughts in order to enjoy a decent social citizenship role. From this point on, it seems that decent people have nothing to do with sex, only despicable people have something to do with “lechery”. Since then, sex has been given a lot of dirty meanings. As a result, “sex” seems to disappear in the open mind, and the legitimate reason for the two people’s Union seems to be only love and inheritance.

respond no.2

A person’s sexual feelings, behaviors, and attractions towards other people are the basis for their sexuality. Sexuality refers to how a person finds other people attractive either physically, sexually, or emotionally. Sexuality is an important element of every human being and it is diverse and personal. Human sexuality refers to how individuals experience and/or express themselves sexually. This may be through emotional, social, spiritual, or biological feelings and behaviors. There is no single definition for the basis for human sexuality but the bonds between an individual and how they are expressed through physical manifestations or profound feelings are the building blocks of sexuality. Human sexuality is one of the fundamental elements of a person that drive their feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.

Sexual orientation refers to the identity of a person regarding the gender or genders to which they are sexually attracted. It is an enduring pattern of romantic or sexual attraction the persons of the same sex or gender, opposite sex or gender, or to both sexes or more than one gender. Sexual orientation is about who an individual is attracted to and wants to have a relationship with. Examples of sexual orientations are lesbian, straight, bisexual, and gay. Sexual orientation is concerned with who the individual feels drawn to sexually, emotionally, and romantically. The sexual orientation of a person has nothing to do with their gender and the two are entirely different. Gender identity on other hand refers to an individual’s personal sense of having a particular gender. This is also referred to as the personal sense of one’s own gender. Gender identity may be in correlation with an individual’s assigned sex at birth or can be different from it. Gender identity describes the personal conception that someone has as male or female. The deep-held inner feelings of whether one is male or female, both or neither, is the gender identity of a person and it is not seen by others. It is a description of how an individual experiences their own gender regardless of what society expects. Gender identity comprises the feelings that one has inside and how they are expressed through behavior, personal appearance, and clothing.

Sexual inequality is linked to other forms of inequality due to the discrimination, problems, and bullying, and violence that come with the difference in sexualities. Sexual identity, sexual contact, or perceived sexual orientation or membership in a sexual category or sexual culture has been a cause for stigma, violence, discrimination, and social advantage faced by individuals. Just like other forms of inequality, sexual inequality creates the phenomenon of unjust or unequal distribution of resources and opportunities among the members of society. Attitudes about human sexuality are continuing to change over the years as more people are moving towards the get acceptance of the freedom of identity and expression of sexuality of a person. For example, LGBTI people are receiving increased freedom in expressing their diversity in many countries and communities even though they still face abuse, violence, and discrimination in others as they do not fit into the expectations of those societies. There are many reasons for the change in attitudes towards human sexuality and one of the main reasons includes generational shifts.

The basis for human sexuality assessment Essay

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