The Development Across the Lifespan Discussion

 The Development Across the Lifespan Discussion


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 The Development Across the Lifespan Discussion

After reading the chapter, click on the link up above and then click on my post to read the question.Your initial response to this thread must be submitted by Wednesday, March 24, 2021.

Remember; along with your initial response you must respond/converse with a minimum of two of your classmates. This thread is worth 5 pts.

This thread closes on Sunday, March 28, 2021.

Remember; along with your initial response you must respond/converse with a minimum of two of your classmates. This thread is worth 5 pts.

– Here is the the thread form description

In Psychology, Human Development covers the lifespan from conception to death.

It is interesting how much variability there is across people in terms of their views of getting older. Some fear it, others only dread it, others look forward to their easy-going retirement years, still others ignore the idea completely (etc.).

In 1994, Miss Alabama was asked the following question during the Miss USA contest:
If you could live forever, would you, and why (or why not)?

To which she answered:

“I would not live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why I would not live forever.”

Rather than ask you whether you’d live forever, let’s change it a bit. If you were given a little box with a red button on it that, when pressed once, would stop your aging process and when pressed again, would resume the aging process, would you use it? (Assume that you can press the button as often as you like, AND, it only works on YOU, nobody else.) If you think you’d use it, how long do you think you would live until? If you wouldn’t use it, why not? (Please feel free to elaborate upon this question as you see fit.)

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