The DNP Graduate as Expert Clinician, Coursework Example

The aforementioned objectives possess a positive approach to the upcoming experience at the Thoracic Institute, as there is an opportunity to develop skills and acquire new knowledge that will have a positive impact on the student’s educational endeavors. These objectives will also impact the ability to better understand and identify the needs of the patient population and support the DNP curriculum set forth by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2006), while also engaging the student in a variety of critical areas of need, such as policy communication, prevention and population health, and evidence-based practice, among others (Chism, 2010). These objectives will engage the student in new activities and methods that will support her learning curve, and also her professional growth and development. The development of a lung screening program will support the student’s ability to organize and develop parameters for the program and to engage in new forms of knowledge that will facilitate successful outcomes and support for the designated patient population. The student will also be able to address the gaps in knowledge and learning in this area and to develop a skillset that will enable her to move forward with her nursing-related activities throughout her career.


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These objectives are appropriate and will enable the student to obtain a new set of skills with which she is unfamiliar, which is a critical component of the nursing profession that requires continuous improvement. These objectives will also engage the student in the identification of best practices, which is a complex yet necessary component of the nursing profession that requires continuous attention and focus. I believe that the student’s objectives are also realistic, given her upcoming clinical experience, and that she is likely to learn significant knowledge and obtain resources that will be effective in supporting professional growth, maturity, and knowledge that will translate into high level performance throughout the nursing career.


American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2006). The essentials of doctoral educational for advanced nursing practice. Washington, DC: Author

Chism, L. (2013). The DNP graduate as expert clinician. In L. A. Chism (Ed.). The doctor of nursing practice: A guidebook for role development and professional
issue (3nd ed.) (pp. 71-115). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett

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