The Rock Band Phish, Essay Example Essay

I watched the concert by the rock band Phish, which happened on the 31st of October, 1994. The concert happened on a Halloween night in which the band played almost all of he songs from The Beatles albums. From the implication of the video, the concert happened at night and was performed on a stage in an enclosed room. This is to suggest that the place where the concert happened was more warm than it was cold. The stage had lights but the audience was mostly dark, and all that could be heard was the occasional clapping and cheering of people.


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The band was not dressed in any particular uniform. One has a pair of jeans and a black t.-shirt, and another had a long yellow gown with flowers. Even though it was Halloween none of them was specially dressed for the occasion. Towards the end of the performance, one band member walks across the stage naked, with lights flickering on stage black and white. In the video, the audience is not shown, but it is expected that they were dressed for Halloween

The band ‘s interaction with one another is minimal, as well as it’s interaction with the audience. Apart from the occasional applauds from the audience, the only other time there is an interaction between the audience and the band is in singing along to the songs being performed, and the moment when a member of the band increases and lifts his hands up to the cheer of the people. Generally, the interaction between the band members and the interaction with the audience was not very involving, which I think should not have been the case.

The band performed songs by The Beatles, and tries to sound like them. As a matter of fact, they tried to dress in the same attires and sing in the same way the Beatles sang. Most outstanding, is the fact that they set their hairstyles to be like those of the band members from the Beatles. I find this disadvantageous because it is possible that the band seemed like they were copying what the Beatles were doing. Hence, their fans could view this as being unoriginal and uncreative especially because all the songs they performed were by The Beatles.

The worst performed song that Phish performed at the concert was Revolution 99. Even though the original song performed was also not up to standard, the performance by Phish was also poor. The general texture of the song is significantly articulated in it’s organization.  The tempo keeps changing from slow to fast and then to medium paced. The song is performed with shifting dynamics and there is no consistency in how the song transits from one theme to another and one stanza to the other. Revolution 9 takes the rhythm of the originally performed Revolution song, with almost 20 loops added to it. The vocals of the song are numerous my over dubbed.

Phish, the band, performed the song Revolution 9 just as it was performed by the Beatles. According to me, the song was poorly performed, which may be a consequence of performing the song exactly how the original name did it. Revolution 9 has been rated  as the Beatles worst song because of it’s lack of lyrical organization, shifting dynamics and generally ambiguous texture. However, I believe the song could have been performed better if the band dealt with these issues. Besides, there are cover versions that have been performed better, and if Phish could have chosen to perform the song originally, I think it would be much better.

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