“The wonderful Wizard of Oz the NoveL”

“The wonderful Wizard of Oz the NoveL”


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Unit 7: Rough Draft

· Due Thursday by 11:59pm

· Points 30

· Submitting an external tool


Whenever you write an essay, it is a good idea to get as much feedback as possible. Therefore, in this unit, you will submit a rough draft of your Core Assessment Essay for peer review. You will also receive some feedback from your instructor.

At the beginning of Unit 7, your professor will send an announcement with the peer review pairings. By midnight on Thursday, you will post a rough draft of your Core Assessment essay to two places. First, submit it to Turnitin below so your instructor can read it. Second, post it to the Peer Review Discussion in the following module. 

Please name the file something that makes it clear what the document consists of (e.g. “Joe Smith’s Rough Draft”).

At the top of the draft, please include 1-3 concerns you have about your paper. What specific things do you need help with? To receive the full 30 points, you need to have at least 4 complete pages that address the assignment prompt and your 1-3 concerns. The more complete your paper is, the more likely it is that you will receive specific, useful feedback.

“The wonderful Wizard of Oz the NoveL”

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