Theoretical Analysis Discussion Assignment
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Theoretical Analysis of a Foreign Language Classroom
As we have discussed in class, all teaching practice is theoretical. Theories inform and explain practice, and indicate what a teacher believes about learning (or second language acquisition, in this case). The purpose of this assignment is to observe second language acquisition theory in practice , and to analyze and explain the interactions of a foreign language classroom through a theoretical lens. You may conduct this assignment with a partner or individually.
Theoretical Analysis Discussion Assignment
To conduct this assignment:
1) Watch one of the classroom videos on the Annenberg website (see link in Canvas under the assignment). While you conduct the video viewing, complete the attached checklist that references the second language acquisition theories that we have discussed in class. Although all theories are represented here, it is NOT assumed that every class will represent each theory. It is the goal that, over time, classes will support each of these theories when appropriate. However, please complete the ENTIRE checklist first and turn it in your paper.
2) Rank order the sections of the checklist from 1-4 (1 being the theory that is most salient and 4 being the theory that is least salient)
3) Choose the theory that is most salient (the one that you ranked #1), and analyze and explain the class through the lens of this theory, considering what you noted on the checklist
4) Write a 5-7 page paper, double spaced with 12 pt font, that includes the following sections highlighted in subtitles: Introduction, Theories of Language Acquisition and Development, and Conclusion . Please follow the below specific guidelines for each section.
Watch this video
Theoretical Analysis Discussion Assignment
Section 1 (1 paragraph) Introduction (5 points)
Use the below sentence frames to write you first paragraph. Use the Subtitle, “Introduction.”
The purpose of this analysis is to examine a foreign language lesson through the lens of second language acquisition theory. The lesson that was chosen for the analysis was entitled, “_____________.”In this _______ (name the language) lesson, the teacher _________(describe the teacher) taught __________ (describe the students) in _______ (describe the classroom/school context). The functional objective(s) of the lesson was/were SWBAT ___________ that was/were taught through the topic of ______ and the meaningful context related to __________. This theoretical analysis will utilize ______ theory to demonstrate how effective this lesson on _________ supported second language acquisition.
Section 2: Use the subtitle: “Theories of Language Acquisition and Development” (40 points)
a) (Paragraph 2) Use your textbook and class notes to write a paragraph that summarizes what your chosen theory** claims about language acquisition. Use the sentence frame, “According to _____ theory, to acquire a language, language learners must ________.” Support this statement with a quote and citation from your textbook. Elaborate on this statement by paraphrasing the quote, and explaining what the theory states in your own words. Provide a few general examples of what this theory is claiming. Include a summary sentence summarizing what you stated in this paragraph about the theory. Start this sentence with “In summary,…”
b) (Paragraphs 3-5) Analyze and explain how the class supported second language acquisition by referencing specific instances and features of the class and stating how they exemplify aspects of the theory. Use what you noted on the checklists as evidence for your claims. Reference specific quotes in the video and descriptive accounts as evidence. Make sure each paragraph has a topic sentence. For example, “This class supported acquisition because _____, ” and a summary sentence for each paragraph, that utilizes one of the following: “In sum,” or “In conclusion,” “Therefore,” or “Thus.”
c) (Paragraph 6) Determine whether or not the class facilitated language acquisition. Explain your evaluation. Why did it or why did it not support acquisition? Include a topic sentence and summary sentence. You might begin this paragraph with, “According to this analysis, this lesson supported (or did not support) language acquisition because _____. Elaborate with a few sentences that support this claim. Conclude this paragraph with a summary sentence about what you discussed in this paragraph.
d) (Paragraph 7) Suggest ways that the teacher could better support language acquisition continuing to reference the same theory. Start the paragraph with, “Although this lesson supported acquisition, there are some suggested improvements to more effectively support the language development.” Use sentence starters such as, “According to _____ theory, learners need _____ to acquire a language. Therefore, this lesson could have ____.” Include a summary sentence at the end of the paragraph summarizing what was discussed in this paragraph.
**pick the highest ranked from your completed checklist) for this assignment
Section 3: Use the subtitle, “Conclusion” (2 paragraphs) (5 points)
a) (Paragraph 8) Your conclusion should briefly summarize the analysis, and b) (Paragraph 9) discuss what you have learned from completing this observation and analysis assignment. Start your paragraph with, “Through this analysis, I learned _____.” “This analysis demonstrated _____, which taught me ______(or helped me to understand _________).”Then, elaborate on this statement citing specific aspects of the analysis paper. C) Finally, conclude this paragraph with 1-2 questions that remain for your relating to the theory and analysis you talked about in your paper.
Project #1
Theory Observation Checklist
1. Comprehensible Input: Krashen’s comprehensible input theory claims that, to acquire language, language learners must be exposed to input that is comprehensible and slightly beyond their current knowledge of language (i+1)
Complete the checklist, and answer the questions below. Rank ___
Creating Comprehensible LANGUAGE
The teacher paraphrases new words and expressions.
The teacher uses vocabulary and structures that the students know and builds on them over time.
The teacher defines new words with examples rather than translation.
The teacher slows down the rate of speech for the level of the students.
The teacher uses new words and expressions more than once or twice and enters and re-enters these language elements frequently in the input.
The teacher signals new words and structures using tone of voice.
The teacher uses connected discourse rather than presenting isolated words for drill and repetition.
Supporting Language Comprehension through CONTEXTS and STRATEGIES
The teacher uses visuals and props to support comprehension.
The teacher uses gestures to make new language clear.
The teacher focuses student attention on the input by making sure students know the topic and objective of the lesson in advance of the presentations and discussions.
The teacher creates a lesson with a meaningful and purposeful context that is relevant to the students.
Analysis of Comprehensible Input:
Does the teacher modify the target language and provide support for increasing comprehension? If so, how? If not, how could they improve the comprehensible input?
2. Negotiation of Meaning: Long’s Interactional Hypothesis claims that, to acquire language, language learners must be active conversational participants who interact and negotiate the type of input they receive.
Complete the checklist, and answer the questions below. Rank ___
Creating Comprehensible INTERACTIONS with Students
The teacher provides useful phrases to help students negotiate meaning, such as asking for repetition, asking for clarification (Can you say more?), checking their comprehension (Do you mean…?), and confirming their understanding (I think you are saying… Am I right?).
The teacher involves the student in the interaction in several ways, including active comprehension checking, and does not just lecture to the class (e.g., signaling, responding, completing a sentence after meaning has been established).
The teacher uses question sequences that begin with yes/no questions, move to forced-choice questions, and end with open-ended, personalized questions.
The students are given opportunities to negotiate meaning using clarification requests
Analysis of negotiation of meaning:
Are the students given opportunities to negotiate meaning using clarification requests? How often? Does the teacher negotiate meaning through comprehension checks? How often? Does the teacher apply various strategies to negotiate meaning (see list of phrases from class)? If so, what are they? In what context are the students negotiating meaning?
3. Classroom talk (Communicative Competence and Interactional Competence): The theories of communicative competence and interactional competence claim that, to acquire language, language learners must be exposed to multiple episodes of goal directed talk, talk that represents “real conversation” that occurs outside of the classroom in authentic contexts. Within these authentic contexts, learners must develop linguistic, discourse, formulaic, sociocultural, interactional, and strategic competence.
Complete the checklist, and answer the questions below. Rank ___
Supporting Real conversation and communicative competence
The classroom talk is organized around opening utterances and is clear and coherent. (real conversation/discourse competence)
The classroom talk incorporates vocabulary and grammar for communicative purposes. (linguistic competence)
The classroom talk reflects different conversational contexts, incorporating appropriate phrases, words, and styles. (sociocultural competence)
The teacher demonstrates strategies for communication such as circumlocution, gestures, and negotiation of meaning phrases in the input. (strategic competence)
The students have the opportunity to utilize strategies for communication such as circumlocution, gestures, and negotiation of meaning phrases in the input. (strategic competence)
The students have the opportunity to elicit opening utterances (interactional competence/real conversation).
The teacher and students respond to questions naturally using ellipses (interactional competence/real conversation)..
The teacher and students respond to questions with expressive reactions (interactional competence/real conversation).
Theoretical Analysis Discussion Assignment
Analyzing Real conversation
Does the classroom talk, at times, resemble the “real conversation” that is heard outside of the classroom? If yes, when? If no, why not? Does the classroom talk, at times, reflect the different aspects of communicative competence? If yes, when? If no, why not?
4. Sociocultural Approach: mediation and the ZPD: According to sociocultural theory, language acquisition occurs through social interaction, is situated within the cultural environment, and happens when the learner is within their ZPD (the distance between what the learner can do independently and what the learner can to with the assistance of an expert). When a learner is in their ZPD, they receive scaffolding that is aligned with their needs, oriented toward the task, and is slowly removed over time. Learners also engage with mediational tools (e.g. classroom talk, visuals, graphic organizers) that assist in moving students toward their potential developmental level.
Complete the checklist, and answer the questions below. Rank ___
Mediating student learning and activating ZPDs
The teacher engages the students in classroom activities that encourage students to perform within their ZPDs: above what they can do alone (their ADL) towards what they can do potentially (PDL).
The teacher incorporates frequent formative assessment to assess students’ ZPDs.
The teacher incorporates a variety of mediational tools (e.g. language, graphic organizers, visuals etc).
The teacher incorporates mediational tools that support language acquisition (they are oriented toward language development).
The teacher incorporates mediational tools that move students to higher levels of language acquisition.
The teacher incorporates mediational tools that are aligned with the students’ needs.
Analysis of mediational tools
What meditational tools does the teacher incorporate in instruction? For what purpose are these tools used? Are these tools useful for language acquisition? If so, how? If not, why not? Are these mediational tools used to move students to higher levels of language acquisition? Does the teacher conduct frequent formative assessments to assess students ZPDs? If so, what are they? Are they effective? If not, what formative assessments could he/she incorporate?
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